50 guild_scheduled_event_metadata entityMetadata{};
107 static void initialize(discord_core_internal::https_client*);
112 static co_routine<jsonifier::vector<guild_scheduled_event_data>> getGuildScheduledEventsAsync(get_guild_scheduled_events_data dataPackage);
117 static co_routine<guild_scheduled_event_data> createGuildScheduledEventAsync(create_guild_scheduled_event_data dataPackage);
122 static co_routine<guild_scheduled_event_data> getGuildScheduledEventAsync(get_guild_scheduled_event_data dataPackage);
127 static co_routine<guild_scheduled_event_data> modifyGuildScheduledEventAsync(modify_guild_scheduled_event_data dataPackage);
132 static co_routine<void> deleteGuildScheduledEventAsync(delete_guild_scheduled_event_data dataPackage);
137 static co_routine<jsonifier::vector<guild_scheduled_event_user_data>> getGuildScheduledEventUsersAsync(get_guild_scheduled_event_users_data dataPackage);
140 static discord_core_internal::https_client* httpsClient;
An interface class for the guild_scheduled_event_data related discord endpoints.
Guild scheduled event privacy levels.
Guild scheduled event entity types.
The main namespace for the forward-facing interfaces.
For creating a guild_scheduled_event_data.
jsonifier::string scheduledStartTime
The time to schedule the scheduled event.
jsonifier::string scheduledEndTime
The time when the scheduled event is scheduled to end.
jsonifier::string description
The description of the scheduled event.
snowflake guildId
The guild within which to create the event.
snowflake channelId
The channel_data id of the scheduled event.
guild_scheduled_event_entity_type entityType
the entity metadata of the scheduled event.
jsonifier::string name
The name of the scheduled event.
guild_scheduled_event_privacy_level privacyLevel
The privacy level of the scheduled event.
For deleting a single guild scheduled event.
snowflake guildId
The guild within which to modify the event.
snowflake guildScheduledEventId
The id of the event to modify.
For collecting a single guild scheduled event.
bool withUserCount
Do we collect the user counts?
snowflake guildScheduledEventId
The id of the desired scheduled event.
snowflake guildId
Guild from which we would like to collect the events.
For collecting a list of guild scheduled event users.
snowflake before
consider only users before given user id.
snowflake guildScheduledEventId
The id of the event to modify.
bool withMember
Include guild member responseData if it exists.
uint32_t limit
How many users to receive from the event.
snowflake guildId
The guild within which to modify the event.
snowflake after
consider only users after given user id.
For collecting a list of a guild's scheduled events.
snowflake guildId
Guild from which we would like to collect the events.
bool withUserCount
Do we collect the user counts?
For modifying a single guild scheduled event.
jsonifier::string scheduledEndTime
The time when the scheduled event is scheduled to end.
jsonifier::string description
The description of the scheduled event.
jsonifier::string name
The name of the scheduled event.
guild_scheduled_event_privacy_level privacyLevel
The privacy level of the scheduled event.
guild_scheduled_event_entity_type entityType
The entity type of the scheduled event.
snowflake guildScheduledEventId
The id of the event to modify.
snowflake guildId
The guild within which to modify the event.
guild_scheduled_event_metadata entityMetadata
The entity metadata of the scheduled event.
guild_scheduled_event_status status
The status of the scheduled event.
snowflake channelId
The channel_data id of the scheduled event, set to null if changing entity type to external.
jsonifier::string scheduledStartTime
The time to schedule the scheduled event.