147 static void initialize(discord_core_internal::https_client*);
152 static co_routine<thread_data> startThreadWithMessageAsync(start_thread_with_message_data dataPackage);
157 static co_routine<thread_data> startThreadWithoutMessageAsync(start_thread_without_message_data dataPackage);
162 static co_routine<thread_data> startThreadInForumChannelAsync(start_thread_in_forum_channel_data dataPackage);
167 static co_routine<void> joinThreadAsync(join_thread_data dataPackage);
172 static co_routine<void> addThreadMemberAsync(add_thread_member_data dataPackage);
177 static co_routine<void> leaveThreadAsync(leave_thread_data dataPackage);
182 static co_routine<void> removeThreadMemberAsync(remove_thread_member_data dataPackage);
187 static co_routine<thread_member_data> getThreadMemberAsync(get_thread_member_data dataPackage);
192 static co_routine<jsonifier::vector<thread_member_data>> getThreadMembersAsync(get_thread_members_data dataPackage);
197 static co_routine<active_threads_data> getActiveThreadsAsync(get_active_threads_data dataPackage);
202 static co_routine<archived_threads_data> getPublicArchivedThreadsAsync(get_public_archived_threads_data dataPackage);
207 static co_routine<archived_threads_data> getPrivateArchivedThreadsAsync(get_private_archived_threads_data dataPackage);
212 static co_routine<archived_threads_data> getJoinedPrivateArchivedThreadsAsync(get_joined_private_archived_threads_data dataPackage);
217 static co_routine<active_threads_data> getActiveGuildThreadsAsync(get_active_guild_threads_data dataPackage);
220 static discord_core_internal::https_client* httpsClient;
An interface class for the thread_data related endpoints.
Thread_data types.
Automatic thread_data archiving durations.
@ Guild_Public_Thread
Guild public thread_data.
The main namespace for the forward-facing interfaces.
For adding a chosen user_data to a chosen thread_data.
snowflake channelId
The id of the thread_data to join.
snowflake userId
The id of the user_data to add to the thread_data.
For listing the active threads in a chosen guild.
snowflake guildId
The guild from which to list the threads from.
For collecting the list of active threads.
snowflake channelId
The id of the channel_data to collect the threads from.
For collecting joined protected archived threads from a given channel.
snowflake channelId
The channel_data to acquire the threads from.
jsonifier::string before
Returns threads before this timeStamp.
int32_t limit
Maximum number of threads to return.
For collecting protected archived threads from a given channel.
jsonifier::string before
Returns threads before this timeStamp.
snowflake channelId
The channel_data to acquire the threads from.
int32_t limit
Maximum number of threads to return.
For collecting puiblic archived threads from a given channel.
snowflake channelId
The channel_data to acquire the threads from.
jsonifier::string before
Returns threads before this timeStamp.
int32_t limit
Maximum number of threads to return.
For collecting a thread_member responseData structure for a given thread_member.
snowflake channelId
The id of the thread_data to collect them from.
snowflake userId
The id of the user_data to collect from the thread_data.
For collecting the list of thread_members from a thread_data.
snowflake channelId
The id of the thread_data to collect them from.
For joining a thread_data.
snowflake channelId
The id of the thread_data to join.
For leaving a thread_data.
snowflake channelId
The id of the thread_data to leave.
For removing a chosen user_data from a thread_data.
snowflake channelId
The id of the thread_data to remove them from.
snowflake userId
The id of the user_data to remove from the thread_data.
For starting a thread_data, in a forum channel.
jsonifier::string name
1-100 character channel name auto_archive_duration.
jsonifier::string reason
Reason for starting the thread_data.
forum_thread_message_data message
duration in minutes to automatically archive.
snowflake channelId
The id of the channel.
int32_t rateLimitPerUser
Integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message(0 - 21600).
For starting a thread_data, based on a message.
snowflake channelId
The channel_data to start the thread_data in.
jsonifier::string threadName
The name of the new thread_data.
jsonifier::string reason
Reason for starting the thread_data.
thread_auto_archive_duration autoArchiveDuration
The duration before it is auto-archived, in minutes.
int32_t rateLimitPerUser
Integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message(0 - 21600).
snowflake messageId
The message snowflake to base the thread_data off of.
For starting a thread_data, not based on a message.
int32_t rateLimitPerUser
Integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message(0 - 21600).
jsonifier::string reason
Reason for starting the thread_data.
thread_auto_archive_duration autoArchiveDuration
The duration before it is auto-archived, in minutes.
snowflake channelId
The channel_data to start the thread_data in.
thread_type type
Type of thread_data to create.
jsonifier::string threadName
The name of the new thread_data.
bool invitable
Whether non-moderators can add other non - moderators to a thread; only available when creating a pro...