Voice websocket close codes.
#include <HttpsClient.hpp>
◆ https_response_codes
Enumerator |
ok | The request completed successfully.
created | The entity was created successfully.
No_Content | The request completed successfully but returned no content.
Not_Modifies | The entity was not modified (no action was taken).
Bad_Request | The request was improperly formatted, or the server couldn't understand it.
unauthorized | The authorization header was missing or invalid.
forbidden | The authorization token you passed did not have permission to the resource.
Not_Found | The resource at the location specified doesn't exist.
Method_Not_Allowed | The https method used is not valid for the location specified.
Too_Many_Requests | You are being rate limited, see rate limits.
Gateway_Unavailable | There was not a gateway available to process your request. wait a bit and retry.
Definition at line 42 of file HttpsClient.hpp.
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