A Discord bot library written in C++, with custom asynchronous coroutines.
No Matches
Connecting To/Disconnecting From a Voice Channel

  • collect/create an instance of discord_core_api::guild_data, and also collect the id of a voice channel to which you would like to connect. (this can be collected from the discord_core_api::voice_state_data_light object, which can be collected from discord_core_api::guild_members::getVoiceStateData)
  • call, the discord_core_api::guild_data::connectToVoice() function from the discord_core_api::guild_data object, while passing in the channel id of the channel to which you would like to connect.
  • to disconnect from the channel, call the discord_core_api::guild_data::disconnect() function on the discord_core_api::guild_data object.
    /// Test.hpp -header for the "test" command.
    /// https://github.com/RealTimeChris/DiscordCoreAPI
    #pragma once
    #include "index.hpp"
    namespace discord_core_api {
    class test : public base_function {
    test() {
    commandName = "test";
    helpDescription = "testing purposes!";
    embed_data msgEmbed;
    msgEmbed.setDescription("------\nSimply enter !test or /test!\n------");
    msgEmbed.setTitle("__**test usage:**__");
    helpEmbed = msgEmbed;
    unique_ptr<base_function> create() {
    return makeUnique<test>();
    virtual void execute(base_function_arguments& args) {
    input_events::deleteInputEventResponseAsync(const args.eventData);
    guild_member_data guildMember =
    guild_members::getGuildMemberAsync(const {.guildMemberId = args.eventData.getAuthorId(), .guildId = args.eventData.getGuildId()})
    guild_data guild_data = guilds::getGuildAsync(const {.guildId = args.eventData.getGuildId()}).get();
    auto voiceConnection = guild_data.connectToVoice(guildMember.voiceData.channelId);
    The main namespace for the forward-facing interfaces.