A Discord bot library written in C++, with custom asynchronous coroutines.
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discord_core_api::create_guild_data Struct Reference

For creating a guild. More...

#include <GuildEntities.hpp>

Public Data Members

snowflake afkChannelId {}
 snowflake for afk channel_data.
afk_time_out_durations afkTimeout { afk_time_out_durations::Shortest }
 Afk timeout in seconds.
jsonifier::vector< channel_datachannels {}
 Array of partial channel_data objects.
default_message_notification_level defaultMessageNotifications {}
 Default message notification level.
explicit_content_filter_level explicitContentFilter {}
 Explicit content filter level.
jsonifier::string icon {}
 Base64 128x128 image for the guild icon.
jsonifier::string name {}
 The name of the new guild.
jsonifier::string region {}
 The region that the servers are in.
jsonifier::vector< role_dataroles {}
 Array of role_data objects.
int32_t systemChannelFlags {}
 System channel_data flags.
snowflake systemChannelId {}
 The id of the channel_data where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted.
int32_t verificationLevel {}
 Verification level.

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